👋 I’m Francois, I work as Software engineer at Startree whre I work on providing Apache Pinot on demand.
I like to talk about tech and related topics. Currently into Rust, Functional Programming, Scala, and Orchestration things (Not only Kubernetes tho)
I’m the chairman of the Montpellier TechHub association and organizer of the tech conference SunnyTech both in Montpellier, France
I’m also a public speaker in tech conference around the world. Check references for more informations
This blog is mostly a compilation of links and various informations I find interesting or I want to share.
This is the first blog post of this site.
I think it will not be a really busy one but, hey, I wanted to try to host a statically generated website on github with github actions ¯\\(ツ)/¯ And since I’m missing a place to just push some content when I need it was time to start it.
Thanks to the peoples behind repo for the theme as my design skills are awfull
Cloud engineer @ Startree
Software engineer @ Elastic
Tech lead cloud @ Saagie
Organizer Sunny Tech
Lead DevOps @ TabMo
Chairman Montpellier Tech Hub
DevOps & Backend developer @ BeOp
Developer @ various employers
This section will link all my talks (and associated video if they exists)
BDX I/O 2018, Touraine Tech 2019, Breizhcamp 2019, Devoxx 2019, Mix-IT 2019
JugSummerCamp 2017, Codeurs en Seine 2018, SnowCamp 2019, DevFest Lille 2019, RivieraDev 2019, BDX I/O 2019
Devoxx Maroc 2018
DevFestToulouse 2017, Devops DDay 2017, DevFest Nantes 2017, RivieraDev 2018, DevFest Lilles 2018, Devops Rex 2018, DevFest BoutDuMonde 2019
DevFest Toulouse 2016, Devoxx 2017, MixIt 2017, RivieraDev 2017
Here is all the references of reviews of my work or talks